Distanced to End COVID-19
Roberto R. Pozos, 58, Imperial Valley & San Diego
These days of going through emotional ups and downs, keeping up with information, distant conversations with loved ones and friends, and adding projects either on hold or cancelled. We have to have hope. I decided to paint to express myself and to relax, really. And I’m sharing two new paintings I just finished. I use these to help me and keep me hopeful for a better world to come. Although, I don’t usually explain my paintings too much because the viewer interprets their own way, and that’s is ok, as we are also connected in that way too. They reflects my personal take and I want to share these with you. We are all in this together and we are connected. As I was taking a walk, the other day, a lady went around to avoid coming to close to my path, she stopped and looked at me and said “Isn’t it a shame that we have to walk around to avoid getting too close, it is sad”, I responded, without thinking, “But you know what, I feel closer to you than I ever had, God bless” and we smiled and waved.